Chipsmall is offering free samples worth of $50 for specific components.
※ Please note that customers will be responsible for customs fees, import taxes, bank charges, etc. incur during delivery and other practical circumstances.
※ Please note that samples shipped cannot be refused or returned. Chipsmall reserves the right to claim from the responsible users.
※ If you refuse to sign or return samples due to force majeure (i.e. fire, war, international or domestic shipping interruptions, epidemics, strikes, etc.), please feel free to contact our Chipsmall sales staff first.
Limitation of free sample applications:
1) A user can submit up to 10 models in a month, you can apply multiple times in batches.
2) The interval between two adjacent successful applications for each client will be at least 3 months.
3) The total amount of free samples each time cannot exceed USD 50.00.
4) After receiving the application, Chipsmall will review it and send a confirmation email within 3 weekdays. Sample delivery will be arranged within 5 weekdays after confirmation.
※ Chipsmall Free Sample Request requires the cookies to be enabled. Please also refer to the Site Policy.
※ The final interpretation of this campaign belongs to the Chipsmall website.
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